Osteopathy students take a different licensure exam than other medical students in the USA. To be a practicing doctor in osteopathy or DO, one has to start their journey with the COMLEX Level 1 exam. Osteopaths use manipulative methods that they specialize in and are trained during their program.
Using methods like biomechanics and manipulative methods, they cure many patients from excruciating physical pain holistically. Their role in preventive and post-trauma care is indispensable in aiding patients to rely on regenerative power to heal naturally without undue reliance on medicines.
Sports medicine involves recovery from injuries where osteopaths help the patient recover through manipulative techniques. They understand where external force can be exerted to let the compressed muscles and tendons heal.

Often osteopathy students like their medical counterparts have to attend lectures and clinical rotations. In this rigamarole, days pass by, before one realizes that the time left for preparation for exams is very less. Cramming a lot of content within a few weeks is strenuous and will create unwarranted panic and stress.
If you find yourself in such a situation, you will not do justice to either your regular classes and internal exams or be your best at the clinical. Your overall learning curve will be impacted as the stress is gnawing at you from inside and the pressure builds up as the time to the date approaches.
The right solution to this problem is prevention. Just as an osteopath is trained to use their skills and knowledge to prevent health hazards, planning right and assigning a schedule four months before the exam will help students give their honest best.
The licensure testing system is different from the USMLE and has a separate structure that tests one on the osteopathy principles and training methodology. It is divided into three different levels.
Clearing all three levels will aid one in securing a residency program spot and practice in the future as a DO in the US. Clearing the exam is necessary and can be completed with the right preparation of 3-4 months. Here are a few tips that will help you clear the COMLEX Level 1 exam:
Understand Exam Structure
Level 1 of COMLEX tests on osteopathy clinical knowledge, principles, and patient care techniques. It is an MCQ model with best-case scenarios as answer options. Each level is an all-day test computer-based divided into two parts that last for four each.
The exam is conducted by the NBOME. An aspirant can check for the master blueprint of each level of the COMLEX for clarity of the topics before starting their preparation.
This table shows some interesting statistics about the exam.
Years | First Time Takers | First-Time Pass Rate | Repeat Test Takers | Repeat Pass Rate | Total | Total Pass Rate |
2023-2024 | 9222 | 93.0% | 822 | 80.8% | 10165 | 90.9% |
2022-2023 | 8798 | 90.6% | 861 | 75.6% | 9772 | 88.2% |
2021-2022 | 8089 | 92.2% | 681 | 75.8% | 8871 | 89.9% |
2020-2021 | 7958 | 93.7% | 553 | 74.5% | 8592 | 91.6% |
2019-2020* | 7478 | 94.3% | 456 | 77.9% | 7972 | 93.0% |
2018-2019* | 7120 | 93.0% | 459 | 78.4% | 7658 | 91.2% |
2017-2018 | 6768 | 95.9% | 364 | 84.9% | 7185 | 94.7% |
Set up your calendar with realistic and measurable goals that are time-bound and specific. Devote one to two hours for Level 1 preparation. Start with high-yield topics so that you can score better in these areas that carry maximum weightage in marks. Within that time, you have to be at your productive best. So practice answering the quizzes with a stopwatch so that you get better at scoring and answering maximum questions.
Resource Utility
The preparation is possible when you come up with a timetable, your roadmap with milestones, and a plan to use the available resources like time, study material, and study groups to their optimum levels.
A four-month preparation guide where a definite time is allocated to prepare for the test earnestly will yield desirable results. It is a tough exam but with consistent efforts and a few smart hacks, one can get through it as the stepping stone for the next levels. One can use books like UWorld question banks and online preparatory apps like Lecturio that help students through immersive topic-oriented
Practice Exams

NBOME has adequate tools to clear self-assessment practice tests that will help you understand your preparation’s strong and weak points. If taken in time, you will be able to revisit the topics where you lack comprehension.
It is recommended to take two practice exams with a gap period of two weeks between each for improved results. Before attempting a mock trial, finish the quizzes of a question bank. Give a serious shot at the practice exams, as they are the closest simulation of the D-Day scenario.
Exam Day
On exam day, be prepared with all the requirements of the testing procedure. The details of what one can expect on this day are clearly stated on the website of NBOME. Carry the valid identification.
Wear comfortable and appropriate clothing that will help you stay calm. Be sure to bring a snack and a drink to keep from getting hungry during the rest of the day.
You can store food in the assigned locker. Make sure to review the list of items that are not allowed in the test room. More to that, there will be an extra security check that might take a few minutes. It is advisable to reach early and finish the protocol before heading to the examination hall.
It is a long day with nine hours split into two categories of four hours each and an hour break. Prepare ahead and reach the center in time to avoid the traffic rush.
Practicing to perfection is a slow and gradual process. Do Not Start to Celebrate Too Early
Osteopaths have a good scope in the medical fraternity where the focus is on preventive medicine and overall well-being with holistic treatments. The scope of osteopaths in sports medicine where players need consistent manipulations and compressions to help them heal from regular injuries at the games is increasing.
The pay and other benefits are commensurate to the best professions in the healthcare sector. So if you are an aspiring osteopath clearing COMLEX is your ignition to a great journey and a rewarding career ahead. Also, learn about the Absographics.com Blog by reading this article.
Meticulousness and consistency are key parameters that can help you clear each level of the COMLEX exam. In the preparation hustle, remember not to neglect health. A nutrient-rich meal and some regular exercise will keep your mind and body fit to take on the stress of a difficult exam with ease.